Friday, July 29, 2005

no beyonce but maybe some cindy sherman

so the plan this morning was to get up *early* and head to rockefeller center to see matt, katie, ANN CURRY (i have a huge crush on her) and al roker, oh and did i mention DESTINY'S CHILD? yeah they were the summer concert on the today show. totallly free, just hop on the f train and we would be there. but, alas, we stayed out too late last night and i did not wake up until 8am. this ends up to be a good thing b/c i watched it on television and they didn't do any songs i like AND nine million people were there. that would have made me very very cranky.

so yesterday we did a little exploring of the neighborhood. i sent off some software to my friend dawn (along with a piece of the deck box we gave her; jes assured me that they got the piece and then when moving our stuff in the other night there it was in the trunk) and we dropped off our disposable digital camera at CVS. we also checked out a hotel for jes's folks when they come to visit. the first one was not so much for them. jes called her mom as we left the post office and said "mom, i don't think that hotel is for you, i think its rented more like by the hour." then we did a tour de markets around our neighborhood. they were all way overpriced, so thanks to jes's "Not for Tourists" guide we found a Key Foods Supermarket about three blocks down on Prospect. Now this is what I wanted. Call me little city or midwestern, but I love me some wide aisles and flourescent lights in my grocery stores. We figured between this place and the Park Slope Co-op, we can get our groceries done. I picked up one of those little hand carts and Jes was like "Should we get a cart?" and then we remembered we had to WALK home, so she just got a little hand cart too. The only thing that really hurt my feelings was how expensive orange juice is. They have no generic store brand. I need to find a better way to get my Vitamin C I think.

After grocery shopping we came home and had lunch and then headed out on a bike ride to check out a few more hotels for Jes's folks. We went to a Days Inn up on 39th that might work and then tried to cut through the huge cemetary and got yelled at by the groundsmen. Then we tried to cut through Prospect Park (which is truly lovely) to get to this other hotel. At about the Children's Zoo, Jes stopped me and asked if I wanted to keep going. She showed me how much more there was (I had *no idea* our plan was to go that far) and was like "hell no". DT is so out of shape it's RIDICULOUS. But we did finish up around the park loop which was delightful- a little up hill, but delightful. It was so breezy and cool yesterday, it made it easy to fall in love with this city.

After that I did a little work for my job and then took a nap and then we headed up to Williamsburg for a little fun. Jes is antsy to go out b/c she wants to get the "new york city is about fun and going out" out of her system before she begins law school. This makes sense but I am not sure I will be able to keep up. We'll see. We stopped off first at Barcade for a little Centipede. I sucked ass overall. Then we headed to the Metropolitan to meet Christian for buy one get one free drafts and a little Erotic Photo Hunt. When he got there we headed out back on the delightful patio and chatted with him, his friend Charlie (who went to Emory) his new special friend Jeremy, and this entirely random dude named Eric, who was clearly butt nuts in love with Christian (at one point he asked everyone at the table "so what is your connection to Christian?" clearly only concerned with the men to find out if he was single). We left around midnight and then went to Kellog's Diner (think Majestic folks in the ATL) and got some grilled cheese and fries (i needed neither). Then after a long train ride home, we hit the hay.

Today we will check out another hotel for the parents (the one my ass couldn't make it to yesterday) and about my ass- it hurts as does my girl, i need a more padded seat on my bike or something. We are also going to check out this Cindy Sherman exhibit at some gallery that Jes read about in the Time Out New York. She is one of Jes's favorites. I also need to do some work, you know, what Emory pays me for. If Jes stays knocked out with two kitties on the bed, I can squeeze some in this morning.

Tonight we will head to Cattyshack, this local lesbo bar. My friend from Ohio State named Glennda is having a little get together for her sweetie there. I will also get to see Buckeye alums Monique and her sweetie Nancy, who I like to call Ali (she looks nothing like a "Nancy"). So needless to say, I have a full plate today. It's hard to beleive I think I can finish my dissertation in this city. Cross yer fingers yall.

Two more things:
1. Happy Birthday to my friend Janet Oberle and Pat Feeney

2. Check out my friend and mentor Ara Wilson's blog:
She will school yer ass for sure.


Blogger dj love said...

i miss you too sarah
come visit soon

12:06 PM  
Blogger ~AW said...

A new blog and a new city (the Best in the country!) all at once. Go. NY will whip you into shape -- the natives walk miles everyday.

xoxo A

2:32 PM  
Blogger dj love said...

we walked for miles again today. i need a nap. how soon will this become normalized for me? cuz i am tired.

5:29 PM  

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