Saturday, November 05, 2005

on talent shows and *terrible* french films

while i have continued to do next to nothing on my dissertation,i have been able to stay abreast of my work work and the neverending IDKE committee stuff. though there is still plenty to do on both of those fronts as well. i have also been spending some time at the YMCA. i went and just worked out with jes on monday on the elliptical, did vinyasa yoga on wednesday and it kicked my butt some. its not that i could not do the poses per se, but more like i just lost my strength and stamina from not doing yoga for the last three months. this makes me very mad and disappointed with myself, but i guess that will fade as i build back up. last night we went to do TWO classes: abs and then this class they call Willpower and Grace. But, alas, the schedule they gave us was old and instead we went to pilates. Now i have done pilates once or twice at emory and didn't think it was all that. now mind you that was back when i was at least doing yoga three times a week and then sometimes cardio on other days. yeah, so pilates pretty much kicked our asses. it was all this "core" stuff and my core is a big bowl of banana pudding, so needless to say i laughed at myself through much of the class.

on thursday night i attended what is billed as the biggest party of the year at brooklyn law school. yeah, that is right, the talent show. this is a fundraiser for the public interest group on campus. folks, it was a doozy. first off, the theme was Studio 54 (which for those of you who live under a rock, was a club here in nyc during the disco era. lots of cocaine, feathered hair and tube tops. and you should have seen the girls!) anywho b/c of this theme there was a lot of sequins in the hizzouse.surprisingly, neither jes nor i dressed up. she worked the keg for a good part of the show, so i sat and watched with beth baltimore and her friend julie. so the show started off with this dude who i was *certain* was a professor (he was not) singing a song from none other than "jesus christ superstar." just him in his maroon tshirt and black jeans singing a little show tune. now let me be clear, ole boy had some pipes and some spunk to get up there as a non traditional aged student as the first act and belt out a little ditty about jesus. either way, i looked at jes through most of it (she had not gone up to keg duty yet) b/c i could not look at him b/c i was embarassed. after the jesus song he played a little ditty on the roland electric keyboard and sang along. this was a song he wrote. it was about love.

the rest is sort of a blur. as i was watching i told myself "remember this, because it is blog worthy" and now it is hard to recount it all. but some highlights were: thin woman in prom dress singing some crazy opera in another language- she won third place, lady in blue hair and blue dress singing "i will survive." second place winner was a woman from jes's section who did some belly dancing number. a few of the folks behind me (i won't name any names) said "she has a nice rack." first place went to jes's friend bettina, who i was cheering for. she sang and played keyboard. first she did a bjork song. it was OUTSTANDING. then she did a U2 song. we were all very glad she won. i also got to meet her cute boyfriend, i forget his name. after the talent show festivites, we headed to some brooklyn law school bar with all the kids from the talent show. niki and i ate some goldfish crackers while she drank a beer that tasted a bit like wood. mmmm, wood.

last night after going to do pilates, or what i like to call fuck-i-have-no-core-strength-lates, jes and i stopped at this restaurant/bar called bar minnow. she had had their fish tacos and suggested we get some. we shared an order of those, then got some fries and a nice side salad. for whatever reason i had a hankering for a salad. it has way too many weeds in it, but the balsamic vinagrette wasn't bad. i also had a nice glass of shiraz. after dinner we walked home and watched this FUCKED UP french film. it is called "high tension" or for you francophones "haute tension". ooh she is so bilingual.

now jes apparently heard "good things" about this film. i am not sure which FUCKNUT friend gave her this review but i would like to clock them in the jaw, or maybe hit them in the face with a piece of wood with barbed wire wrapped around it again and again. it was presented to me as a french lesbian film. i thought YEHAW. i LOVE french lesbians (i really don't know any, but i bet i would like them if i did). the movie starts and it seems somewhat promising. there is this ridiculously hot butch girl in it. killer body, ok 1993 lesbo haircut, and cute smile. for whatever reason part of the film is subtitles and part is dubbed in english. we still don't really get why. it is a super gory horror movie with less than impressive special effects.

the premise is that hot butch goes with not so cute straight? femme girl to her parents farm house. they get there late. femme girl says good night to mom, dad and cute little bro and butch goes up to the guest room in the attic. while all sleep except butch who is masturbating, killer man drives up and breaks in and kills the whole family. decaptiates dad, slits mom's throat and shoots little billy in the cornfield. not nice. she ties up femme girls and gags her with some tubing. butch girl tiptoes around the house and avoids killer man and then gets in back of his truck secretly with bound femme girl. they go to a gas station and butch girl runs into the store to ask for help while killer man fills the truck. killer man comes in and, well, kills the gas station guy. blah blah blah, chase, butch girl calls cops from gas station, blah blah and then the cops FINALLY get to the gas station to try and save the girls. when they look at the tape of the gas station store they find that really there is no killerman, it was butch girl all along. not only is she a butch lesbo, she is also a psychopathic killer (i mean isn't that sort of a given?) anywho in the end femme girl gets away from butchkillergirl and butchkillergirl gets put in a funny farm. the film insinuates that the reason butch girl killed all of femme girls familia and the rest of them is b/c of her unrequited love for femme girl. and in case you are wondering, two dudes wrote and directed the film. nice.

ok so i need to get to finishing up our laundry and get to starting some work on the diss. i am sitting here looking HOT in my grey cotton emory shorts, grey northwestern sweatshirt and grey with red and blue striped knee high socks. america's next top model? maybe. higgins, lisa d. and vicki are coming over this afternoon for our very first feminist writing group meeting. then we are going to have dinner and go to bars in brooklyn and then have a sleepover. yippppiiiieee.


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