Wednesday, June 07, 2006

i'm a better blogger when i can't sleep

i have no idea why, but i woke up at 4:30 this morning and here it is almost 6am and I can't sleep

so, like any normal person, i got up and started researching mattresses. ours is shot and we need a new one and i have not the first clue on how to purchase the right mattress. all i know is that my back is wrecked (both from our old mattress AND from the fact that i have not been working out so the belly gets bigger and bigger and bigger...). anywho if yall have any insight on how to get a comfortable and affordable queen sized mattress, please do share.

so more on paris...

the second day jes and i went to the catacombs. i knew very little about this place and it was not so easy to find (as the entrance is really not that well marked) but once we got there and paid our entrance fee we proceeded down the longest, most claustrophobia-inducing spiral staircase down that i have ever descended. now i know i am not crazy about crowds and i like to have an escape route at all times, but i tell you what i was definitely employing my pregnancy breathing techniques (that i use when i get bad belly aches) while walking down this staircase. i just kept thinking "there is no way out." when i got to the bottom i reminded jes how much i loved her as proven in the fact that i just walked down that staircase. anywho, if that was not traumatic enough, look what i found after a long moist walk down a mostly dark hallway:

uh, yeah you are seeing that right- its piles and piles of skulls and bones. you know, dead people's remnants. here's another gem:

as much as i joke, it was actually kind of lovely and somber and it really appealed to my love of order. the way the bones were laid was so systematic and symmetrical that i could really appreciate it. apparently a bunch of the cemetaries in paris (maybe of all of france?) were dug up and so they put all of the bones in the catacombs as a memorial (i think). here is one last picture. my friend miriam (who i had dinner with the other night) speaks/reads french and said the plaque is more about being poetic than about providing information. sorry i can't translate it:

by the end of our time in the catacombs all i could think about were all the stories i have been hearing about mines collapsing and people getting trapped and so i started to catalog everything we had in our bag and wonder how long we could live on one bottle of water, some protein bars and a few fruit leathers. needless to say, i was glad to see daylight when we were done.

later that afternoon we met up with pony to go see sacre coeur?couer (not sure, sorry), this lovely church. but before we went there, we stopped to get us a little caffeinated beverage: pony got espresso and jes and i got a coca light (diet coke). we chose to purchase these lovely beverages from a joint across from the moulin rouge:

luckilly, we only paid about ten euros for our three drinks AND we all had to pee, but it was a PAY TOILET. so we just held it until we got to the church. i am getting tired, so i will post the pics of sacre coeur later, but not before i share this hilarious photo. see, moulin rouge is located in the sex shoppe/strip club area of paris and while walking to get our overpriced diet coke, i saw this outside of a strip joint:

i am left wondering, how does one train to become a "specialist" in this area? that is, what are the credentials?
inquiring minds want to know...


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