Tuesday, November 15, 2005

the rest of the weekend

so the reason i don't have any pictures from the weekend is because i am a tool and i forgot to bring the camera with me when we left the house on saturday morning. we spent the morning and afternoon with jes's parents. it was great to see them and they were loving time with their babygirl. we got breakfast at le peep, and i got an egg white and cheese sandwich on a bagel that made me sick the rest of the day. i spent some time in the bathroom and took an hour nap while jes and her folks ate lunch. i tried to eat some soup later on and this proved to be less than prudent. so i settled for water and a little immodium ad the rest of the night. GOOD TIMES.

anywho we got to dawn and gators around 6pm and hung out with them and bailey until we left for los lorros. now we were a bit early so i tried to stall by having to go to the publix to get immodium ad. i mean i really needed it, but i could have gotten it earlier. anywho, we get to los lorros and jes and dawn and i are walking in, jes holding the leftovers from the black forest cake her mom made her. as we are walking in, she sees angie and elin and says "is that angie and elin" and because she is looking at them and not watching where she is walking she trips and the cake goes flying, but she quickly recovers and catches the unscathed cake. it was at this point she starts to catch on that there are a lot more people at los lorros than she had planned on there being. we walked into the back room and there were all her friends. YIPPPIIIEEEE i yelled and everyone laughed and yelled surprise. she had no clue. it was great. there were folks from emory, from caribou, and just from around and they were all thrilled to see jes so close to her bday. everyone ate and drank and was merry. luckily, kim brought her disposable digital camera and she will be sending me pics of the event shortly. i will post them as soon as i get them. jes was showered with gifts and love and that was exactly what i wanted. after the dinner a number of us went on to trackside to play darts. i drank tonic water with lime and tried to stay awake.

sunday morning jes, kim, sarah and i went to breakfast at this cafe in downtown atlanta/the 4th ward. its this cafe where everyone is a volunteer and all the proceeds go to a homeless shelter. i took it easy with some fake sausage and fruit. the server was so nervous and he spilled orange juice on jes. it was sort of funny but i was real glad she wasn't wearing the new brooklyn industries hoody i got her. that would have sucked. the flight back to new york was pretty uneventful. lots of people magazine, letter writing and, in jes's case, soduko- some japanese numbers game she is already hooked on. i tried to help but it took a part of my brain that was not working.

i still feel a bit yucky today, but i feel good b/c i have already done some work work (for my job). i like when i get things in order and crossed off my list of things to do. soon i will head to the dollar store to get some stuff for the community service day the black law students are holding at jes's school. i may also try to hit the YMCA for a little ellipticalling. yesterday i raked up all the leaves and such from the backyard and the rest of the week i will work on cutting back some of the vines and setting up the sparkly white lights. i hope this party turns out well. and i hope my friends like my other friends.

so that is it for now. i have more to write about the new series from netflix we are watching: the L word. i have been slowly crafting a poem entitled "why i hate jenny from the L word" but its not quite done yet. something to look forward to though.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll have to send you my "making space for Katie" ((Holmes)) poem someday.

2:48 PM  
Blogger dj love said...

oh please do
i imagine there will be a great deal of thematic overlap

4:50 PM  
Blogger dewey said...

i hate jenny from the L word too! I think they put her on there for people to hate, to distract you from the other ridiculous-ness occuring throughout the show. The Carnivale is by far, the worst.

8:49 AM  
Blogger dj love said...

i know nothing of this Carnivale you speak of. we have just finished the first season. jes rearranged our netflix so thanksgiving will be lword marathon.

9:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

everyone hates jenny! aileen chaiken said that jenny and bette are her favorite characters: bette is who aileen is now and jenny is who she was when she first moved to LA. oh the carnival and the sex worker! i have a secret feeling jenny is going to rise in season three--a profound shift will take place and we will like her, as long as she quits talking manatee.

10:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's me, anonymous.

10:52 AM  
Blogger dj love said...

i really can't imagine anything jenny could do to make me like her. the folks who i had dinner with last night say "are you jenny" instead of "are you crazy" i think that is fucking hilarious

2:04 PM  

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