Saturday, January 07, 2006

i'm back yall

happy 200sexxy yall. i think i got that name for this year from but i am going to use it to describe our goal to get in better shape this year. jes and i call it "operation 200sexxy".

so its just about 7am and i am up on this fine saturday morning because larry will not stop meowing. seriously it is incessant. he did stop for five minutes while he laid on me about an hour ago, but he is back at it again. it is driving me loopy. he has food and water so i am not sure what it is about. but it needs to stop soon. i imagine this is what it will be like to have a baby. good times.

so i am sorry i have not posted an update for so long. i was feeling a bit blue before the holidays so i spent a lot of my time in front of the tv. i figured you all watch tv so i didn't need to report on it. then when we got to atlanta i had less than ideal access to the internet. see we stayed at sarah and kim's and jes's folks house- both have wireless; but we couldn't get on their networks. i had outstanding access at my work, but while i was there i was busting ass working so i didn't have time to blog. the past few days i have been fretting over this fellowship application, but i sent it off yesterday afternoon so i think i am back on track. i have plenty of pictures, so let me get started.

we arrived into atlanta on christmas eve and headed to marietta to stay with jes's folks. we both had a real hankering for taco bell at 10pm on xmas eve and unfortunately, none were open. so instead we had chips and dip that were DELISH. after chatting a bit with her folks we hit the hay. i was exhausted. xmas morning was lovely. very chill. fire burning. pyjamas all day long. naps, presents and i even painted my toe nails red with my new pedicure kit. as always, jes's folks were hella generous. along with all the little stuff they got us, they got us each target cards and TIVO. hello, did you read that closely? yeah you got it, we got TIVO. i have no idea how to work it, but jes does and we both agreed that when i finish my diss we can get real cable. i can't wait. i will NEVER leave the house. here is a pic of jes with her folks. please note they all have their new holidays scarves on:

this photo gives you an idea of what jes did for most of xmas day- she got two new gameboy games in new york for our trip:

on monday jes went with her folks to chattanooga to visit jes's gramma. i went to work at emory and got a ridiculous amount of work done. it's stunning to me what i can get done when i have an office and everyone else is not there. i LOVE working at emory on holidays. it is so quiet and i get so much done. that night i had pizza over at dawn and gators house and baby bailey went BONKERS for me. i mean dawn and i were sitting on the floor in front of the fire to block him from getting to it and he was crawling all over me and loving on me. i mean really it made my heart burst with happiness. i was certain he had forgotten me and would freak out if i tried to pick him up, but in general, he seemed really happy to see me. i went and picked up jes and we hung out with dawn and gator some more and then went back to sarah and kim's where we were staying. they were in new orleans and mississippi for the first half of the week and they let us stay in their lovely home. its like a bed and breakfast. for real. AND they have cable. i sat in front of the tv drooling as much as i could. i have learned that i love "meet the barkers" and i am not sure why. there i admitted it. i ain't ashamed.

ooh i was suddenly starving, so i made me some fake bacon. our frig is so empty it's pretty sad. seriously. brita water, a few amstel lights, bread, fake turkey, last nights leftovers and some shredded cheese. and one chocolate pudding. i MUST grocery shop. i think i will go up the fancy key foods this morning before the crowd hits. the one with the parking lot. yes, that is what i will do when i am done here.

so one night early in the week, we went to taqueria del sol with gator and dawn. we like to call it taqueria de sausage b/c that is what gator thought we said one time we suggested it for dinner. i am not sure either of them have ever ordered sausage there. anywho, here is a cute pic of us. bailey was hungry so he wasn't so happy here:

once dawn got some food in him, he perked up. so then we played this great game where he would put his arms in the air and then we would do the same and yell "yippee." it was a good time. you had to be there. i imagine the pitcher of margaritas that gator, jes and i shared also helped in the hilarity of this.

after taq de sol, we ran by our friend michelle & john's house. we used to babysit for their three kids when we lived in atlanta and they paid very well. their kids are ANGELS, so it was almost silly we even got paid. anywho, we hung with the girls and drank some wine with michelle. here is a picture of me and the sweet babygirl katie:

and then one of me and her big sis lindsey:

the next night, which was wednesday, we watched bailey while dawn and gator went to dinner and a movie and fell in love all over again. it was really fun. here is a pic of the whole family:

and here is one of the lovahs:

they went and saw brokeback mountain and the loved it. while they were gone we got to play with bailey, feed him and BATHE him, which was really fun. of course, we had to mess with his hair while he was in the bath. here is a few photos of that:

now much of thursday we spent waiting to get tattooed or getting tattooed. i LOVE my tattoo but it is still a bit crusty. once it's all healed, i will have jes take some photos and i will post them. i can't wait to get it finished. it is going to be so lovely.

we spent new years eve day and night with sarah and kim. it was very chill and really nice. we went to gravity pub, drank beers and played darts. here is a pic of kim bringing the heat at the dart board:

and here is one of sarah and kim as lovahs:

now i don't know if you can tell but sarah had this crazy sweater on. it was almost like a throw blanket with arms and she would like wrap it around her waist. i don't really get how it works, but it was real cute on her.

anywho we also met up with my friend angie b. at gravity. it was nice to get a chance to chat with her:

now i would be remiss if i didn't tell you about sweet ashley, the server at the gravity that kim has a crush on and i have come to appreciate as well. normally she is real nice and chats with us while kim and i try to hit on her. she wasn't having that so much on new years eve and at one point i said something to her and she pretty much dismissed me immediately. as she walked away i said "she hates me" and kim nearly wet her pants laughing. for the rest of our time in atlanta, kim kept razzing me about how i ruined things with sweet ashley.

yeah so larry is meowing incessantly again. i am going to look this up online and find out if there is something wrong with him. i will keep you posted.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude! I can't believe our lunch at Soba and coffee at Caribou didn't make it in! J/K Glad you are back on the blog. --Molly

10:58 AM  

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