Wednesday, July 05, 2006


it's another rainy, overcast and humid day in brooklyn and i pretty much hate it.
to chase the rainy day blues away, i will report on a very fun weekend: going to camp. but first, let me post two pictures of jes and i before we left for the dyke march last weekend. in the second one we are so gay!

early saturday morning jes and i packed up the car with way too much stuff and headed north for glennda's folk's summer home also known as "camp." its up in the adirondacks (sp?) on star lake. it was a really beautiful breezy summer morning so i was excited about our drive up. everything went very smoothly until we hit albany. for some reason (we are still not sure why) the highway became a parking lot. we literally went three miles in one hour. so we got off and found a country route to get us passed albany. while the speed limit was a bit slower, we were moving and it was so lovely. it reminded me a lot of the country around champaign, illinois (where i went to college) and south. we got to camp around dinner time and we were hella ready to get out of the car. jes drove the whole way and we were both going bonkers. with stops for gas, food and bathroom breaks, it took us about ten hours. ugh.

but when we got there, all our stress melted away. "camp" is in fact, this cute red house on this gorgeous, clean lake surrounded by trees and other houses. here is a picture of the house:

we had hit some rain on the way up and we were worried that camp had been hit by bad weather, but apparently it had been a lovely day. glennda, kim and ali also hit traffic on their way up on friday afternoon. they didn't get into camp until almost 2am. i would have been crying, they said they almost were. shortly after we unpacked our car we were greeted by the purple intertube patrol. here they are from far away:

and here they are up close. apparently they cruise around the lake throwing a football to ward off any evil doers. i have to say i felt safer knowing they were there:

that first night we just hung out, drank, ate, and played scattergories (my new favorite game- but its hard). we were exhausted from a day of driving so we hit the hay fairly early. the next morning jes and i went on a little cruise around the lake in a boat and then we all hung out, ate lunch and headed out on the pontoon boat when glennda's folks got there. there is this sand bar in the middle of the lake so we docked there and played catch in our innertubes. it was really fun, but very windy, and at one time nancy took off her tube and the wind started to take it away so she had to swim a really long time to get it. glennda and kim went to help her. then twice kim threw the football over my head and i had to do some olympic swimming (not really) to go and get it. i was tuckered out after that. soon we headed back to camp to shower and get dinner ready.

glennda's folks really did it up for dinner. we had chicken and fake dogs and salt potatotes and brownies. we also ate some of the left over black bean salad that i made the night before (which by the way- ali AND kim loved. yipppe! they have converted to the dt black bean club). during dinner we got to chat a little with glennda's folks who are ADORABLE. they started dating in JUNIOR HIGH (can you believe that?) and her dad (vito) has the same birthday as me. they were totally gracious to let us stay in there home and eat their food and what not. and it was great to see the folks who made glennda. my favorite part was that glennda's dad calls her "glen." i think that's so sweet. that night brought more scattergories (i still sucked) and a fairly early bed time for me b/c my belly was bothering me (of course). we were also leaving to come back to brooklyn in the morning so we didn't want to hoop it up too much, you know.

here is a picture of the gorgeous sun set. that is the dock off of the camp house:

and here is a picture of all the cute campers:

we left out after breakfast the next day and our drive home was traffic free. we did hit a little rain right around the time we were going to stop at the outlets. we also stopped at a lovely suburban target and stocked up on kitty litter, toliet paper and the like. it was such a divine experience. calm, clean and stocked. nothing like our brooklyn target. at the outlets i got two tshirts (one green and one pink) and a cute pair of jeans for very little money. jes got some underwear and a couple shirts. while she didn't find the jeans or the flip flops she was looking for, i think it was a successful stop altogether.

yesterday for the fourth of july we rode our bikes around prospect park, went mattress shopping (who knew they were so expensive?) and had dinner at bar minnow. it was a nice quiet holiday together. what is even better is the weekend is in TWO DAYS! i love short work weeks even if they don't really apply to me b/c i don't work in an office per se.

have a great day yall.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loves it!
I heart black bean salad. YUM.

Co-president, Purple Intertube Patrol

2:55 PM  
Blogger NAAS said...

camp. i am so sad that you had to leave on Monday, and that we had to leave on Tuesday. But, I got to relive out time on your blog so now I am happy. Can you send me the photos that you took at camp?

8:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

camp misses you all...and so do i :-(

9:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great too!
Glad you could come and enjoy our inner sanctum.
Sorry to say that the last of the black bean salad ended up being duckie lunch,but...the ducks weren't sorry. Are there secret ingredients in it because since the ducks ate it, and, apparently, disposed of it in duckie doo doo, there is this huge vine that ahs started growing on the shoreline. It is already reaching toward the clouds. Do you think we should climb it? Just wondering, because according to folklore beanstalks can hold all sorts of surprises for climbers, and a persomn named VITO might encounter an entirely different fate than a person named Jack.

11:14 AM  

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