Sunday, November 20, 2005

la fiesta de jes

good afternoon sweet readers. i hope i haven't kept you on the edge of your seats with the details from jes's brooklyn birthday party on friday night. i had every intention of filling you in on the happenings and the visual delights yesterday, but two things kept me from doing so:

1. the demon in my brain who was driving an ice pick through my head while also creating queasy waves in my belly, also known as my hangover from too much red wine and not enough food.

2. our internet has been out since saturday morning. i come to you now from the brooklyn law school library.

so after many glasses of water, some generic tylenol and lots of sleep and naps, i now feel able to bring you the deets.

so the real short version of this story is: the party was a success. i think folks had a good time, they liked the food and there was enough room for everyone. the backyard was romantic and sparkly but freezing, the cats weren't too angry being locked up in the bedroom and no one got in a fight, threw up, or left the party crying. to me that spells S-U-C-C-E-S-S

the longer version is this: i spent all day friday shopping, cooking and cleaning. i made black bean salad, guacamole, kim's spinach and ball cheese recipe and these rice crispy treats meet smores things. oh and i also made about twelve million devil's food cake cupcakes. most of them were topless (hell to the yizzah. just kidding) but some had homemade whipped cream with a little cherry goo and cherries from a can (jes loves this stuff. i don't know why). i felt the guacamole was the best thing i made. the cheese balls were too dry, but the kids liked them and the cupcakes went like wildfire. i think folks were intimidated by the mutant crispy smores. i tasted one, it wasn't all that. along with all those goodies we had bobbi's super garlic hummus and some cheese, crackers, veggies and dip. higgins ALMOST ate all the broccoli, but not quite. she called me on saturday morning said it tasted like she had a garlic clove in her mouth (everything was very garlicky-it's good for the heart and keeps the vampires away). here is a photo of me in my SKIRT with a quote from bell hooks about feminism stitched in the bottom. i got it at a ladyfest event. i am also wearing my new teacher boots. notice the lovely spread on the table and all the pictures that jes has hung up. its almost like having our friends and family living in brooklyn with us.

ok so higgins was one of our first party guests. she brought a bag of left over halloween candy for our entry way, her sexy self AND her newly manicured nails. she went crazy brown for jes's bday:

shortly behind her was three of the four members of our sexy supper club. ali went bonkers over the hummus (its her favorite) and glennda and kim were digging the cupcakes. i sent them home with a bunch and i need to bring them some whipped cream for on top. left to right is ali (her real name is nancy), glennda, kim and higgins (she was busting chats with them on the couch).

now they all have real jobs that they worked all day, so these four lovelies left early b/c they were tired. it was just in time for the law student contingent to roll in. first up is beth baltimore and her friend whose name i think is ann. anywho beth has the most beautiful curly hair that i covet AND she MADE jes these bowls out of russian folk tale records in her oven. i mean really, who does that? beth baltimore does. apparently they are flammable, so we need to keep them away from open flames.

below you will find more lawyers. here we have niki, julie, marco and jes. if they are all paying for school with student loans, between the four of them they will be over half a million dollars in debt. nibble on that for a minute.

next we have the upstairs crew. as you might remember this party was for jes AND kristin, our upstairs neighbor. they are both born on november 17th. isn't that weird? so kristin is the blonde holding the glass of wine. i know i was introduced to the rest of the folks but by then i had my tipsy on, so i don't remember any names. one of those ladies is kristin's voice coach, i do remember that.

by the time i got back down to our apartment, jes's friend max had arrived. luckily he was wearing the jacket he got for halloween at the thrift store. he dressed up as a new yorker. good one. all i kept thinking in my head was "america: fuck yeah!"

now this is either a picture of more law students OR a toothpaste commercial- you choose.

now i know it is hard to believe but we do actually have friends that are not law students or graduates of my alma maters. here is christian and his sweetie ashton. christian and jes worked at caribou together in atlanta. he is hilarious and he makes a hella good fruit tart. at one point in the night he and jes did some synchronized dancing but the fucking battery on the camera was acting up so i didn't get a picture of it. oh the wonders of beer and what it can get people to do. anywho, here are two cute boys:

and here is a picture of our newest friends jaime and sandy. i met sandy at IDKE 7 in Winnipeg (of all places). she performs with the transformers. anywho, her and jaime live about five blocks from us and they had a party last night that we attended. it was a hoody party (you had to wear a hoody) which is no problem for jes and i since we wear hoodies 98% of the day. i am slowly falling in love with sandy's dog theo. she sent me a picture of him and i think he and i are going to discuss our dislike for jenny shechter of the l word on this blog soon. stay tuned.

and lastly, but not leastly, we also had a little royalty in the hizzouse. here is a picture of jes, bettina and her sweetie ed. bettina, you may remember, was the FIRST PLACE winner of the annual BLS talent show. she found time in her busy tour schedule to hang with us little people for a minute. jes and i both think her boyfriend ed is darling.

so yeah, the last folks left at around 1 or 1:30 am, and while most of the food was gone, we had about twelve thousand cans/bottles of beer left over. oh and a HUGE bottle of red wine that i have vowed to never drink from. we took 14 cans of bud light over to sandy and jaime's party and now she is trying to pawn some of it back on to us. i was like hell no you drink it. who knows though, with the stress of jes's finals approaching maybe all the beer will get drank? drunk? consumed.

so bottom line jes had a wonderful time at her party. she felt totally loved, she scored some great presents and all of our friends got to meet each other. everybody seemed to like our place and at the end of the night right before the last shift of folks left, we let the cats out and they got some good loving from folks, so that was nice too. i was totally exhausted all day yesterday. i mean i felt extra dumb. but i am feeling better today. i have gotten so much done in the few hours we have been here at the library. and soon i think we get to go to SOHO so i can buy my new jacket. it is on SALE- 25% so i feel that is babyjesus telling me to get it.

later tonight (if our internet works) or tomorrow i will begin my tirade against jenny from the l word. grab a snack before you start it, b/c it will be a doozy for shizzle.


Blogger dj love said...

i was wondering who this eve character was. i have a friend named eve, but i don't think she knows (or cares) about my blog. so then i thought it was a biblical reference (of course) and i began to wonder if lisa welchel (blair from the facts of life) was reading my blog and i got skeered. glad its you sarah.

10:22 AM  

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