Sunday, January 08, 2006

an addendum

my brain is swiss cheese and i forgot to report on my friday afternoon lunch with my friend molly. we ate at this new joint on campus called soba. she got some greens with chicken on it and i got some cheese ravioli with a red sauce that had olives i believe- i think that's why i got it. it was ok. then we went to caribou and chatted about life and school and making beer and such. she got a latte and i think i got a decaf coffee with soy milk. it was great to see molly and maybe next time we will get kooky and get lunch off campus.

here is the totally nutty thing, i have no idea what i did after lunch or on friday night. maybe sarah can help me with that too.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't need a whole posting just about little ole me, but thanks patootie!!! U rock! I thoroughly enjoyed said lunch and coffee and look forward to more in 2006 when you are back in the Emory Village.

11:02 PM  

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